Oversized Danger
Pickup trucks and large SUVs pose acute danger to cyclists and pedestrians because of their weight, driver blind spots, and front-end vehicle height.
Community Bikeways is part of the Coalition to Reduce Auto Size Hazards (C.R.A.S.H.), an initiative launched in August 2022 by an Ontario-wide coalition of 16 road safety and community groups. The coalition is led by Advocacy for Respect for Cyclists (ARC), Bike Law Canada, Bike Windsor Essex, Community Bikeways (TCBC), Friends and Families for Safe Streets (FFSS), and Walk Toronto.
In January 2023, representatives of the coalition met with Ontario Chief Coroner, Dr. Dirk Huyer to discuss the call to action. Although the coroner did not grant the call for a death review for crashes involving pickups and large SUVs, he did commit to working with the coalition in developing recommendations to curb the greater dangers of pickups and SUVs to pedestrians and cyclists.
On April 18, 2024, C.R.A.S.H. released its report, Oversized Danger: Report and Recommendations to Address the Danger of Pickups and Large SUVs to Pedestrians and Cyclists in Canada, outlining the problem, summarizing the research, and articulating eleven recommendations to federal, provincial, and municipal governments. The report was presented at a symposium at the University of Toronto hosted by the Centre for Cities (University of Windsor) and the Mobility Network (U of T).
A week later, C.R.A.S.H. presented an online presentation by University of Hawaii professor, Justin Tyndall, author of the Economics of Transportation article, “The effect of front-end vehicle height on pedestrian death risk”.
Les camionnettes et les gros VUS sont plus dangereux et plus mortels dans les accidents impliquant des piétons et des cyclistes que les voitures conventionnelles, qui servent généralement les mêmes objectifs. Un rapport du ministère des Transports de l'Ontario, par exemple, souligne qu'un piéton impliqué dans une collision avec un camion léger a 3,4 fois plus de risques de mourir que dans une collision avec une voiture conventionnelle.
Dirigé par la Coalition pancanadienne pour réduire les risques liés à la taille des automobiles (C.R.A.S.H.), ce rapport expose l'urgence du problème, les recherches pertinentes et les recommandations d'action pour faire face au nombre inutile et tragique de morts et de blessures graves.
Les recommandations de la coalition – adressées à tous les niveaux de gouvernement – reposent sur une approche qui donne la priorité à la sécurité des piétons, qui incluent pratiquement tout le monde à un moment donné, et des cyclistes sur la voie publique.
Si vous ou votre association souhaitez soutenir ou rejoindre la coalition, ou si vous avez des commentaires ou des questions sur le rapport, veuillez écrire à (en français ou anglais):
Albert Koehl, avocat et coordonnateur, Community Bikeways, albert@koehl.ca
Chris Waters, professeur, Faculté de droit, Université de Windsor, cwaters@uwindsor.ca
A complete list of C.R.A.S.H. coalition members follows:
Advocacy for Respect for Cyclists (ARC)
Bike Law Canada
Bike Windsor Essex
Bridging Overlea (Toronto)
Citizens Environment Alliance (Windsor)
Community Bikeways (TCBC)
Cycle Hamilton
Cycle Toronto
CycleWR (Waterloo)
Environment Hamilton
Friends and Families for Safe Streets (FFSS)
Going the Extra Mile for Safety (GEMS)
Guelph Coalition for Active Transportation (GCAT)
Hub Cycling (Vancouver)
London Cycle Link
Movement: Metro Vancouver Transit Riders
Piétons Québec
Safe Parkside
Safe Streets Halton
TTC Riders
Vélo Canada Bikes
Walk Toronto.
For more information, contact Albert Koehl (environmental lawyer, coordinator, Community Bikeways) and/or Prof. Christopher Waters (Faculty of Law, University of Windsor).
CRASH Letter to Ontario Transportation Minister Prabmeet Sarkaria (June 27, 2024)
Sent to the Hon. Prabmeet Sarkaria, Ontario Minister of Transportation
CRASH Letter to Federal Transportation Minister Pablo Rodriguez (June 12, 2024)
Sent to the Hon. Pablo Rodriguez, Federal Minister of Transportation
Action on dangers of pickups and large SUVs (March 28, 2023)
Sent to Omar Alghabra, Minister of Transport
Call for investigation into dangers to pedestrians and cyclists from pickups and large SUVs (August 17, 2022)
Sent to Ontario Chief Coroner
Regulations needed for SUVs, trucks to keep others safe (CBC, April 22, 2024)
Why pickups and large SUVs are putting pedestrians and cyclists at risk (CBC Listen, April 19, 2024)
New laws around large SUVs could benefit pedestrian, cyclist safety (CBC, April 18, 2024)
Report from advocacy groups urges tighter regulations for SUVs and pickup trucks (Globe and Mail, April 18, 2024)
Anti-car advocates call for special SUV licences and truck bans for urban drivers (Rebel News, April 18, 2024)
Street safety groups say SUVs and pickups more likely to kill (CBC, August 17, 2022)